What greater thrill is there for a God of Mischief than to outsmart his foes? The cunning trickster Loki uses his illusions and shapeshifting abilities to weave in and out of combat, toying with enemies at every turn.
Official description
Loki is a Strategist hero in Marvel Rivals, and is the 7th hero introduced to the game's roster.
He has team-up abilities that work in conjunction with Hela and Thor.
- Elusive and deceptive Strategist capable of conjuring illusions of himself to distract enemies while healing his allies.
- Loki's core gameplay revolves around his Doppelganger ability, which allows the player to project illusions of Loki in the targeted area. This ability has two charges, and up to two illusions can be placed at once.
- The illusions are stationary and last for 60 seconds upon creation.
- Each illusion will mimic Loki's primary fire, aiming at the same location as him, which vastly increases his damage and healing output.
- The illusions share equal attributes to Loki, having the same health, as well as dealing the same damage and healing.
- His primary fire, Mystical Missile, shoots an energy projectile that deals damage to enemies and heals allies.
- Loki can simultaneously heal and deal damage if his allies and enemies are very close to each other since Mystical Missile creates a small spell field on impact.
- His secondary fire, Deception, creates an illusion where Loki is standing while granting him invisibility.
- While invisible, Loki gains heal-over-time.
- Loki can remain invisible indefinitely until attacking.
- Reloading, using Devious Exchange, or creating a Doppelganger will not break his invisibility.
- Loki's melee, Backstab, has him pulling a knife and performing a quick thrust.
- It is unique as it'll deal extra damage if he hits an enemy from behind.
- Devious Exchange allows Loki to swap places with any of the illusions of his choice within range.
- This ability makes Loki incredibly slippery and hard to pin down if properly used.
- Regeneration Domain conjures a rune stone in the air that creates a magical field around Loki and his illusions that provides high healing-per-second in a radius around them.
- The magical field also converts 30% of all damage taken into direct healing to allies.
- This ability is incredibly powerful and can provide clutch healing against very powerful attacks, including Ultimates.
- The magical field also converts 30% of all damage taken into direct healing to allies.
- His Ultimate, God of Mischief, allows Loki to transform into any hero in the match, either ally or enemy, for 15 seconds.
- When Loki transforms into a hero from the enemy team, his nametag and team color will change to the opposite player and team. If the Loki player attacks this reverses back to the player's actual name and team color.
- While shapeshifted, Loki gains access to all the targeted hero abilities, including their Ultimate, which will be at 100% charge.
- Activating an Ultimate while shapeshifted gives Loki an additional 7 seconds of transformation.
- This duration can be extended if transforming into the Winter Soldier and repeatedly getting resets on his Kraken Impact.
- Activating an Ultimate while shapeshifted gives Loki an additional 7 seconds of transformation.
- Requires high skill to play efficiently.
- Has low healing output if his illusions and Regeneration Domain are not available.
- Very vulnerable if his Devious Exchange and Regeneration Domain is on cooldown.
- Mystical Missile cannot deal critical hit.
- Backstab has a low range and is very situational.
- Enemy heroes can destroy Loki's illusions and the runes from his Regeneration Domain. This makes characters with high area-of-effect damage such as Iron Man effective against Loki.
- In addition, many opponents can take advantage of Loki's illusions for their own benefit:
- Captain America can build-up stacks of his Sentinel Strike to fire his shield by attacking the illusions.
- Moon Knight can use his Crescent Dart to bounce between the illusions and other enemies.
- Namor can deal critical hits to the illusions to enrage his Monstro Spawns.
- Squirrel Girl can shoot the illusions with Burst Acorn to extended the reach of their explosions.
- Winter Soldier can reset his Kraken Impact by hitting illusions marked with the Culling debuff.
- Wolverine can build-up his Berserker Rage by attacking the illusions.
- Mantis can deal critical hits to the illusions to regain charges of Life Orbs.
- In addition, many opponents can take advantage of Loki's illusions for their own benefit:
- God of Mischief's transformation does not give access to team-up abilities.
See: List of Costumes
Normal Attack
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Fire Mystical Missiles to heal allies or deal damage to enemies ABILITY TYPE - Single-cast projectile with delayed impact that also generates a spell field DAMAGE - The projectile deals no damage, while the spell field inflicts 30 damage per cast HEALING - The projectile does not provide healing, but the spell field provides 40 Health per cast AMMO - 10 FIRE RATE - 1.75/s RANGE - 3m spherical radius CRITICAL HIT - No PROJECTILE SPEED - 100m/s DAMAGE FALLOFF - Falloff begins at 0.5m, decreasing to 50% at 2.5m | ||
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Q | ![]() |
Shapeshift into a targeted ally or enemy hero and use all their abilities except any of their Team-Up Abilities. ABILITY TYPE - Targeted DURATION - 15s ENERGY COST - 3700 | ||
SPECIAL EFFECT ⚬ After transforming, Loki's Ultimate ability will be fully charged. Casting a transformation-type Ultimate ability will extend the duration of Devious Exchange until the transformation ability ends. | ||
SHIFT | ![]() |
Use Rune Stones to create a magical field that provides allies Healing and converts incoming damage into further healing. ABILITY TYPE - Release a spell field at the location of Loki and the Illusion HEALING - 100/s DURATION - 5s COOLDOWN - 25s RANGE - A cylindrical spell field with a radius of 5m and a height of 2m ABILITY HEALTH - 100 CONVERSION RATE - 30% | ||
SPECIAL EFFECT ⚬ The spell field is sustained by Rune Stones. It will disappear if the Rune Stone is destroyed or if its maximum duration is reached. Allies within the field will receive healing over time, and any damage taken will be converted into healing based on the amount of damage taken | ||
E | ![]() |
Project an Illusion that can cast some of Loki's abilities. ABILITY TYPE - Targeted CHARGES - 2 COOLDOWN - 12s per charge MAXIMUM DISTANCE - 30m | ||
F | ![]() |
Swap with the selected Illusion. ABILITY TYPE - Targeted COOLDOWN - 15s MAXIMUM DISTANCE - 30m | ||
V | ![]() |
Pull out a dagger to stab enemies, dealing extra damage when attacking an enemy from behind ABILITY TYPE - Single-cast Spell Field DAMAGE - 30 (Melee) - 45 (Backstab) RANGE - 3m | ||
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Become Invisible and conjure an Illusion to deceive enemies. ABILITY TYPE - Instant Cast HEALING - 20/s whilst invisible COOLDOWN - 15s | ||
SPECIAL EFFECT ⚬ Loki leaves an illusion in his place and becomes invisible while continuously healing himself. This invisibility has no time limit, but any actions other than casting Devious Exchange, reloading, or casting Doppelganger will render him visible | ||
Team-Up Abilities
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PASSIVE | ![]() |
When Hela lands a final hit in defeating an enemy, she can instantly resurrect Loki and Thor in the respawn phase, or grant them bonus health if they are still alive. BONUS HEALTH - 50 ABILITY DELAY - 1.5s |
To be added

Born the son of Laufey, king of the Frost Giants, Loki was adopted by Odin and raised as a prince of Asgard. But his true nature could not be undone, and Loki would come to fully embrace his role as the God of Mischief.
With his father deep in the Odinsleep, Loki seized his chance to take the throne for himself. After enlisting Hela in his plot and hurling his brother Thor into a distant timeline, Loki now harvests Chronovium sap from the World Tree, Yggdrasill, in an effort to conquer the entire timestream.
— Biography
Destined Kingship[]
In the immediate aftermath of the reckless mortals' clumsy scrambling of timelines, Loki noticed something quite curious. The sap bleeding from Yggdrasill had a new, particularly magical essence.
He began to experiment with it. Shape it. Concentrate and intensify it. Time, he discovered, was the core of its essence, and right away, he conceived an intense desire to visit a future Asgard to see what mischief he might make there.
Quickly, he learned how to do just that, but he came away not only disappointed but frightened and-not that he ever would have admitted it- saddened. For the future Asgard he beheld was a ruin, its throne broken and cast down, its collections looted, its surviving people grubbing in the ruins to survive.
No, Loki thought. Surely this is not Asgard's only future.
He brewed the enchantment once more...and discovered an Asgard overrun by Jotun, with Laufey himself grunting on the throne and Asgard's people little more than bones.
And another Asgard in flames, with Surtur bestride the blazing trunk of Yggdrasill while the fabled towers of the realm collapsed in fiery rubble.
And another, windswept and empty, the Cask of Eternal Winters broken open in the throne room.
And another, shattered into drifting fragments against a sea of stars.
And another, impossibly sunk under an ocean, with vast shadows moving in the moonlit waters above.
Hundreds more, thousands more. Asgards burned, Asgards frozen, Asgards overrun by Dark Elves or dwarves or enemies from Midgard or the worlds beyond the stars. A Kree- devastated Asgard, an Asgard ravaged by the Eternals, an Asgard ruled by an alien overlord whose minions oozed and sprang like living shadows, hunting down the last of the realm's true subjects. In all of these, Loki did not find the one thing for which he truly searched.
And then, at last, an Asgard mighty and unbroken. An Asgard overarched by Yggdrasill's branches and underpinned by Yggdrasill's roots. Her towers shining, her people vibrant and untroubled, her wealth untouched...and her throne occupied by Loki.
He reeled back into his own time, mind aflame with the implications of what he had seen. How many destroyed Asgards had he witnessed? After all that, to see the one surviving realm be ruled by himself…
Well, Loki thought. The only Asgard that survives this absurd misadventure is one in which my true destiny is at last acknowledged, my primacy accepted, my sovereignty celebrated. As it should be. Now remains the work of bringing this future to pass.
Immediately the crucial points of the plan presented themselves to him. First, or course, he would have to maneuver the All-Father into the deep enchanted slumber of Odinsleep. Tricky, but he had done it before. The biggest obstacle was making sure that Heimdall didn't notice until it was too late. Then, Loki would use Thor's desire to help their father against him, guiding him into a certain place where Loki wouldn't have to worry about him for a long time.
But these were powerful enchantments, even for Loki. He was going to need to bring in a co-conspirator or two. It would be easy enough to betray them and rid himself of them later, but for a brief time they would be useful. Karnilla, of course. Aligning with the Norns was an absolute necessity if he were to retain rule over Asgard and not see it suffer any of the tragic fates he had witnessed. And while a master of magic, the Queen of the Norns was no great schemer – at least not compared to the God of Lies.
He also thought of Karnilla's closest ally, Hela. She was family, after all, and these kinds of things should be kept in the family whenever possible. Also, she would be useful because of her vast power and unlimited legions, who would keep the Valkyrior and Crimson Hawks busy, leaving the throne unguarded…
If Loki could just figure out what to offer Hela in return.
He manifested in her realm unannounced, just because he could, and he knew it annoyed her. As soon as she sensed his presence, Hela sent an escort. This time, it was a retinue of fallen Asgardian warriors riding skeletal horses and singing the ghostly songs of the Asgardian dead who never made it to Valhalla. To the accompaniment of these mournful, discordant strains, Loki followed his escort to Hela's throne. In this kingdom, bones twisted by dark magic paved the path to her castle while particularly favored souls became feasts for her Nastrond crows. Loki hated the décor even more than he hated the thought of Thor sitting on the throne of Asgard. Well, perhaps not quite that much.
And speaking of thrones. Hela sat on hers, regarding him with an imperious and icy stare as he approached and the ghostly retinue vanished. "Loki," she said. "Whatever foolish scheme has brought you here, be assured it will not succeed. Return to your realm and disturb me no further."
"O sister, great queen, it–"
"Whenever you call me queen, Loki–or, for that matter, sister– I know you want something. Tell me what it is and spare me the insincere implication that you care about family."
"Oh, I do," he said. "I do very much. Our family rules realms, and we have a responsibility to rule them as well as possible. Unfortunately, we are not currently doing that, because I am not ruling Asgard. I propose to rectify this error, and–"
"And you want my help."
"Yes," Loki said. "My plan will succeed with or without you, but as I said, we're family, and-" For the third time, she interrupted him. "Why should I?"
"Why, to be rid of the All-Father, whose time is past and to be rid of our beloved Odinson, who would otherwise succeed to the throne of Asgard."
"Which is the one thing you cannot stand to see happen."
Loki did not give her the satisfaction of agreeing.
"You see, Loki," Hela said, "of all master plotters you are the easiest to predict because all of your plots are ultimately only about one thing."
Loki inclined his head, again unwilling to make a verbal acknowledgement.
"You have been working new magic. I smell it on you," Hela said. "Tell me."
"Ah. The sap of Yggdrasill, Observe." Loki cut a small notch in one of the World-Tree's roots. As the sap oozed out, he captured it and began to work a charm to extract its essence. "As the World-Tree shapes the limits of our realms," he said, "this substance shapes the limits of our time." After a moment he held a small ball of what looked like amber in the palm of his hand. "Take it. It will show you the future of your realm just as it showed me the future of mine."
"Yours? You speak of Asgard?"
"Yes," Loki said. "That is why I wanted to see you."
He placed the ball in Hela's hand and began to describe what he had seen.
"Ah," she said when they had returned from the visionary voyage.
"Yes, it is quite deserving of an 'ah," Loki said. "But the real question is, will you help me?"
"I will," Hela said. "But I have my own vision for this Chronovium - for it has fallen in my realm as well. In return for my help, you will help me bring this vision to fruition."
"Of course," Loki said, intending it to be a lie but not even he knew when an attempted lie might become an inadvertent truth.
Journey into Mystery[]
(Coming soon. Stay Tuned!)
Root Erosion[]
(Coming soon. Stay Tuned!)
Icon | Name | Description | |
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Brotherly Love | As Loki, assist Thor in landing 1 KO. | ![]() 5 |
God of Treachery | As Loki, land one KO by stabbing from behind. | ![]() 10 |
See: Loki/Quotes
- While Loki's "Frost Giant" costume is listed as first appearing in Marvel Rivals Season 0, it appears to be heavily based on Loki's true frost giant appearance in the MCU (first seen in Thor [2011]), where he has blue skin and red eyes. Loki is made to look like an Asgardian by a spell cast by Odin.